Wheat apsim sensitivity analysis
Wheat apsim sensitivity analysis

Its microclimate modification may provide an affordable climate adaptation strategy which needs to be explored. The parklands deliver multiple benefits, including fuelwood, soil nutrient replenishment, moisture conservation, and improved crop yield underneath the canopy. albida, with its impact on microclimate modification, maybe a starting point to design more resilient and climate-smart farming systems.Ībstract = "Faidherbia albida parklands cover a large area of the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Africa, a region that suffers from soil fertility decline, food insecurity and climate change. With heat and moisture stress likely to be more prevalent in the face of climate change, F. albida trees increase soil mineral N, wheat water use efficiency and reduce heat stress, increasing yield significantly. Model-based sensitivity analysis showed that under moderate to high rates of N, wheat yield responded positively to a decrease in temperature caused by F. LAI, number of grains spike−1, plant height, total aboveground biomass and wheat grain yield were all significantly higher (P < 0.001) for wheat associated with F. Midday air temperature was about 6 ☌ less under the trees than in the open fields. Trees significantly reduced PAR reaching the canopy of wheat growing underneath to optimum levels. Presence of trees resulted in 35–55% larger available N close to tree crowns compared with sole wheat. Results showed that soil moisture in the sub-soil was the least for wheat with tree, intermediate for sole tree and the highest for open field. We tested the sensitivity of wheat yield to tree-mediated variables of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature and soil nitrogen, using APSIM-wheat model. We carried out an on-farm experiment for three consecutive seasons in the Ethiopian Central Rift Valley with treatments of Faidherbia trees with bare soil underneath, wheat grown beneath Faidherbia and wheat grown in open fields. Compared with existing studies, our study performed the sensitivity analysis of APSIM-Oryza under more environmental conditions, thereby providing more comprehensive insights into the model and its parameters.Faidherbia albida parklands cover a large area of the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Africa, a region that suffers from soil fertility decline, food insecurity and climate change. The range of parameter variation affected the stability of sensitivity analysis results, but the main conclusions were consistent between the results obtained from the ☓0% perturbation and those obtained the ±50% perturbation in this study. The CO2 concentration did not have much influence on the results of sensitivity analysis. Differences also exist for parameter sensitivity of early and late rice in the same site. In particular, the sensitivity index of RGRLMX was larger under cold climate than under warm climate. Climate conditions had obvious influence on the sensitivity index of several parameters (e.g. Results showed that the influential parameters were the same under different environmental conditions, but their orders were often different. The ☓0% and ±50% perturbations of base values were used as the ranges of parameter variation, and local fertilization and irrigation managements were considered. total aboveground dry matter WAGT and dry weight of storage organs WSO) and twenty parameters were analyzed. This study conducted the global sensitivity analysis of the APSIM-Oryza rice growth model under eight climate conditions and two CO2 levels using the extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test method.

Wheat apsim sensitivity analysis